Updated over a week ago

What is the Purpose of Having a Bonus on the Mrsool App?

The goal of having a bonus for couriers is to motivate them to accept orders, especially the more complex ones. The customer adds the amount of the bonus when the order is initiated and it is made clear to the courier upon accepting the order that the customer has provided a bonus on this order.

Does Mrsool App Deduct a Percentage of the Bonus?

Mrsool app does not receive any commission from the bonus provided by the customer to the courier, and it is the courier’s full right to receive the bonus amount. This amount is transferred to the courier’s account upon the completion of the delivery.

What Amounts are Deducted from the Bonus?

The bonus, which was previously added by the customer when submitting the order, is subject to VAT regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 15% VAT is deducted and transferred to the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority.

I Am a Courier and an Amount of Money has Been Deducted from my Bonus. What is the Reason?

According to the previous clarification, 15% of the amount is deducted as VAT according to the regulations of the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority. However, if the courier has previous debts that have not been settled, the system automatically settles the accounts and deducts the debt amounts.

Why is the Debt Amount Deducted from the Bonus?

When there is a negative balance on the courier’s account balance, it is deducted from the amounts owed to him, whether the delivery fee, the value of purchases, or any other amounts such as a bonus, automatically through the system, so that his dues are transferred in full after settling the debts and preserving the rights of the company and the courier.

Does Mrsool Transfer Tax Amounts to the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority?

According to the regulations that are in place within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mrsool Company is committed to transferring all amounts belonging to the Authority according to the applicable system, and Mrsool Company is subject to all regulatory systems of the Authority and the competent authorities in the Kingdom.

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